Nordea Asset Management
Nordea Asset Management
La deuda de alta rentabilidad europea ofrece margen de seguridad tras las turbulencias de 2018
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La deuda de alta rentabilidad europea ofrece margen de seguridad tras las turbulencias de 2018

Me gusta

Los diferenciales de la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea se duplicaron prácticamente a lo largo de 2018 en un entorno de alta volatilidad del mercado y desafiantes cambios idiosincrásicos. Como la mayoría de clases de activos el año pasado, la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea no resultó inmune a las crecientes inquietudes de los inversores en torno a cuestiones como las turbulencias geopolíticas, el respaldo de los bancos centrales, los menores precios de la energía y una ralentización de la economía global. Además, tres importantes factores idiosincrásicos afectaron a la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea. En primer lugar, las perturbaciones registradas en el ámbito del comercio electrónico siguieron debilitando a las marcas minoristas. En segundo lugar, la negatividad en torno a los mercados emergentes afectó a las empresas con gran exposición al mundo en desarrollo. Por último, las empresas con presencia en la agitada Italia, así como en otras partes del sur de Europa, también se vieron presionadas.

Mejor margen de seguridad

A pesar de que los diferenciales han caído desde más del 5 % hasta cerca del 4,4 % en lo que va de año, esta clase de activos sigue ofreciendo un margen de seguridad mucho mayor que en ningún otro momento desde mediados de 2016. Este creciente margen de seguridad llega en un momento en el que la calidad del crédito en el mercado de la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea se mantiene en niveles razonables. De hecho, con un índice de impagos históricamente bajo de tan solo el 0,4 % en 2018, el mercado de la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea resulta relativamente atractivo en comparación con sus homólogos estadounidenses, cuya tasa de morosidad se situó en el 2,3 % el año pasado. La calidad del mercado de la deuda de alta rentabilidad estadounidense es, en términos generales, más baja que la europea. Los niveles de apalancamiento del mercado de la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea se sitúan bastante lejos del periodo previo a la crisis financiera, en un contexto de tipos de interés significativamente más bajos. La combinación de niveles de apalancamiento satisfactorios y bajos tipos de interés proporciona margen suficiente para las empresas con respecto a los pagos de intereses. La rentabilidad debería registrar caídas importantes para que a las empresas les cueste hacer frente a estos pagos. Esta dinámica probablemente mantendrá los tipos de interés en niveles bastante bajos a corto plazo. 

Somos conscientes de los riesgos

Naturalmente, permanecemos alerta ante la incertidumbre actual en torno al Brexit. La salida del Reino Unido de la UE nos ha llevado a adoptar una posición bastante conservadora con respecto a las empresas británicas en las que invertimos. En este sentido, hemos seleccionado oportunidades nacionales con menor riesgo de un Brexit potencialmente negativo. En concreto, hemos optado por créditos estables como compañías de agua, así como otras empresas de servicios públicos y grupos aeroportuarios.

También nos mantenemos atentos a otros acontecimientos en Europa, especialmente a la deriva populista que se observa en el continente. Italia, por ejemplo, registra una mayor debilidad económica que el Reino Unido. Es importante entender las implicaciones que pueden derivarse para el mercado de la deuda de alta rentabilidad europea.

En términos más generales, continuamos manteniendo una posición sobreponderada en deuda preferente asegurada, que ofrece mayor protección contra las caídas en caso de que observemos un deterioro del mercado. También adoptamos un enfoque conservador en relación con la exposición por países, con preferencia por los mercados del norte de Europa, que se mantienen lejos de las tendencias negativas que se aprecian en el sur del continente. Por último, en un entorno de extensión del ciclo hacia sus últimas fases a lo largo de los próximos años, resulta más prudente contar con posiciones sobreponderadas en sectores estables, como la atención sanitaria, a lo largo de espacios más cíclicos. 

Sandro Näf, gestor de cartera de Nordea 1 - European High Yield Bond Fund

Nordea Asset Management is the functional name of the asset management business conducted by the legal entities Nordea Investment Funds S.A. and Nordea Investment Management AB (“the Legal Entities”) and their branches, subsidiaries and representative offices. Additional information for Nordea 1, SICAV: The sub-funds mentioned are part of Nordea 1, SICAV (the “Fund”), an open-ended Luxembourg-based investment company (Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable), validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and with European Council Directive 2009/65/EC of 13 July 2009. This document is advertising material and does not disclose all relevant information concerning the presented sub-funds. Any investment decision in the sub-funds should be made on the basis of the current prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document, which are available, along with the current annual and semi-annual reports, electronically in English and in the local language of the market where the mentioned Fund is authorised for distribution, without charge upon request from Nordea Investment Funds S.A., 562, rue de Neudorf, P.O. Box 782, L-2017 Luxembourg, from the local representatives or information agents, or from our distributors. The Depositary of the Fund is J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. Further information can be obtained from your financial advisor. He/she can advise you independently of Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Please note that all sub funds and share classes might not be available in your country of jurisdiction. Additional information for investors in Switzerland: The Swiss Representative and Paying Agent is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, CH-8002 Zurich, Switzerland Additional information for investors in Germany: The Information Agent in Germany is Société Générale S.A. Frankfurt Branch, Neue Mainzer Straße 46-50, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main. A hard copy of the above-mentioned fund documentation is also available from here. Additional information for investors in Austria: Sub-paying Agent and Representative in Austria is Erste Bank der Österreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna. Additional information for investors in the Netherlands: Nordea 1, SICAV is a Luxembourg Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) registered in the Netherlands in the register kept by the AFM, and as such is allowed to offer its shares in the Netherlands. The AFM register can be consulted via Additional information for investors in France: With the authorisation of the AMF the shares of the sub-funds of Nordea 1, SICAV may be distributed in France. Centralising Correspondent in France is CACEIS Bank, located at 1-3, place Valhubert, 75013 Paris. Investors are advised to conduct thorough research before making any investment decision. Additional information for investors in Spain: Nordea 1, SICAV is duly registered in the CNMV official registry of foreign collective investment institutions (entry no. 340) as authorised to be marketed to the public in Spain. The Depositary of the SICAV’s assets is, J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. In Spain, any investment must be made through the authorised distributors and on the basis of the information contained in the mandatory documentation that must be received from the SICAV’s authorised distributor prior to any subscription. The Representative Agent is Allfunds Bank S.A., Paseo de la Castellana 9, ES-28046 Madrid, Spain. A complete list of the authorised distributors is available in the CNMV’s webpage ( Additional information for investors in Portugal: The Management Company of the SICAV, Nordea Investment Funds S.A., and the Depositary of the SICAV’s assets, J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A., are validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and authorized by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg. Our distributor in Portugal is BEST - Banco Electrónico de Serviço Total, S.A., duly incorporated under the laws of Portugal and registered with the CMVM as a financial intermediary. Additional information for investors in Italy: Fund documentation as listed above is also available in Italy from the distributors and on the website The updated list of distribution agents in Italy, grouped by homogenous category, is available from the distributors themselves, at State Street Bank  International GmbH - Succursale Italia branches (located in the main towns of each region), BNP Paribas Securities Services Succursale di Milano, Banca Sella Holding S.p.A, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A, Allfunds Bank S.A. Succursale di Milano, Société Générale Securities Services S.p.A. and on the website Any requests for additional information should be sent to the distributors. Before investing, please read the prospectus carefully. We recommend that you read the most recent annual financial statement in order to be better informed about the fund's investment policy. The prospectus and KIID for the sub-funds have been published with Consob. For the risk profile of the mentioned sub-funds, please refer to the fund prospectus. Additional information for investors in the United Kingdom: Approved by Nordea Bank Abp, 5 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7AZ, which is regulated by the FCA in the United Kingdom. Additional information for investors in Sweden: The Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige, Smålandsgatan 17, Stockholm SE-105 71. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd, Swedish Branch, Mäster Samuelsgatan 21, Stockholm, SE-105 71. Additional information for investors in Denmark: The Information and Paying Agent is Nordea Danmark, filial af Nordea Bank Abp, Finland, Strandgade 3, Christiansbro, DK-1401 Copenhagen K. A hard copy of the above-mentioned fund documentation is available here. Additional information for investors in Norway: The Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge, Essendrops gate 7, Postboks 1166 Sentrum, NO-0107 Oslo. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd., Norwegian Branch, Essendrops gate 7, Postboks 1166 Sentrum, NO-0107 Oslo. Additional information for investors in Finland: The Paying Agent is Nordea Bank Abp, Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020 NORDEA, Helsinki. The Representative Agent is Nordea Funds Ltd, Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020 NORDEA, Helsinki. Additional information for investors in Latvia: The Representative and Paying Agent in Latvia is Luminor Bank AS, Skanstes iela 12, Riga, LV-1013. Additional information for investors in Estonia: The Representative and Paying Agent in Estonia is Luminor Bank AS, Liivalaia 45, 10145 Tallinn. Additional information for investors in Lithuania: The Representative and Paying Agent in Lithuania is Luminor Bank AB, Konstitucijos pr. 21A, 03601Vilnius. Shareholders must evaluate possible investment risks and take this into consideration when making investment decisions. Investments in equity and debt instruments issued by banks could bear the risk of being subject to the bail-in mechanism (meaning that equity and debt instruments could be written down in order to ensure that most unsecured creditors of an institution bear appropriate losses) as foreseen in EU Directive 2014/59/EU. For further details of investment risks associated with these sub-funds, please refer to the relevant Key Investor Information Document, available as described above. Nordea Asset Management has decided to bear the cost for research, i.e. such cost is covered by existing fee arrangements (Management-/Administration-Fee). Published and created by the Legal Entities adherent to Nordea Asset Management. The Legal Entities are licensed and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority in Sweden and Luxembourg respectively. The Legal Entities’ branches, subsidiaries and representative offices are licensed as well as regulated by their local financial supervisory authority in their respective country of domiciliation. Source (unless otherwise stated): Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Unless otherwise stated, all views expressed are those of the Legal Entities adherent to Nordea Asset Management and any of the Legal Entities’ branches, subsidiaries and representative offices. This document may not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission. Reference to companies or other investments mentioned within this document should not be construed as a recommendation to the investor to buy or sell the same, but is included for the purpose of illustration. The level of tax benefits and liabilities will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. © The Legal Entities adherent to Nordea Asset Management and any of the Legal Entities’ branches, subsidiaries and/or representative offices.

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